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TITANCONSUMER • 2 years ago

She has to marry her cousin???

Didn't that know Boruto took place in Alabama

ASTROGHOST • 2 years ago

cousin wouldnt make it incest. also, the system of clans works this way. take the hu8uga clan for example. hinata is so far the only one who hasnt maried her cousin.

BluxleyLeaf • 2 years ago

πŸ’€ that’s no good

SuperNendo Z • 10 months ago

wtf In a world of chakra They see strange markings on their hands not even suspicious At all Even tho cursed marks common knowledge

dj10 • 2 years ago

U heard it here folks Boruto took place in a part of alabama

Rich Strike • 2 years ago

banjo starts playing

I'm sad that we aren't going to get sword and super lightning rasengan :c It makes sense for him to use a sword. Openings getting peoples hopes up, but still good openings.

Yeah, Boruto definitely autistic
Ah, memory attacks. I wish all the best.
Based on preview, looks like they may have engaged the antagonist more so than simple memory loss.

JoEe ✨❀️ • 1 year ago

I'm really sick of all that drama these last episodes show me some ACTION!!!!!

simp • 2 years ago

OK so maybe she isn't a bitch like I said from the last episode πŸ˜’